DHSS Quarterly Statistic Update
Division: DPA
Statistics for: 12/31/2013
Prior period: 9/30/2013
For each statistic in the following list:
1. Select the statistic from the list
2. Enter the total for the statistic at the top
3. Adjust the numbers for the statistic
4. Save your changes by clicking the checkmark below the numbers at the left
5. To remove a receiver set its amount to zero
6. To add a new line use the fields at the bottom
7. Make sure the cross total agrees with the total
8. Certify that the statistic is correct
For the following statistic:
1. Enter the total for the satistic at the top
2. Adjust the numbers for the statistic
3. Save your changes by clicking the checkmark below the numbers at the left
4. To remove a receiver set its amount to zero
5. To add a new line use the fields at the bottom
6. Make sure the cross total agrees with the total
7. Certify that the statistic is correct
Select a statistic to work on:
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Copy from another statistic:
2 Qtr Comparison
4 Qtr Comparison
Add a New Line
Select receiver for new line (enter part of receiver name):
DHSS Quarterly Statistic Update
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DHSS Quarterly Statistic Update
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